Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 19 Giveaway!

Click "like" on my post over on Facebook today, and your name will be put into a drawing for a free wool felt flower from my Etsy shop...pick one, any one. If you are the lucky giveaway winner, you can choose your flower to be placed on a clip or headband, or even a pin brooch, ladies!

So go here and click "like".
Ladybug Bowtique on Facebook

And then go visit my shop on Etsy and decide what flower you might choose if you are the winner!

I'll choose the winner tonight at 8:00 EST.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I love horses. And purple.

I've neglected blog posts, I know. Here's why. 1. Soccer. 2. Soccer. 3. Soccer. We are on the other side of town at the soccer fields 7 days a week. Sara is on a rec team and a travel team, Adam is on a rec team, and Julia is on a rec/travel team. That means practices Monday through Friday, and three to five games on the weekends.

I don't know what we'll do when November comes- I wonder if I'll be bored to death!? As busy as we are, I wouldn't change a thing. We enjoy being out on the fields in the cooler weather.

I had Julia in mind when I made this bouquet. She loves horses, and she loves purple. So I combined the two into a bouquet. Now I have to hide it, because she'll surely want it for her room when she gets home from school! It's available on Etsy, and ready to ship. :)