Friday, April 20, 2012

Deluxe Ladybug Bouquet Raffle

I am going to raffle off a Deluxe Bouquet to benefit Project Ladybug, an organization that raises money to assist the families of children with life-threatening illnesses. The organization was founded by Dina Manzo, who was a reality star on Housewives of New Jersey. I admit that I watch a few of the Housewives shows. (Okay, truth be told, all of them. All of you who watch with me will agree that this is a guilty pleasure, watching grown women argue over nonsense each week.) But anyway. I love the cause.

The bouquet will be the exact one that I will be holding during the taping of an all-Etsy-seller audience for the Martha Stewart Show on Monday, April 23. Martha has asked that we all bring an item to hold on our laps during the taping. The show will air Thursday, April 26 at 10:00 a.m. on the Hallmark Channel.

The raffle winner will be posted on the day that the show airs. So you may purchase a raffle ticket now and until the morning of the show day. I'll keep you posted on that date. As it is Martha's last go at taping her shows, I don't think it will be too long before this show airs.

Here's how it will all work. Easy.
1. Buy raffle ticket(s) for $1.00 each. One ticket gives you one entry into the raffle. Buy ten tickets for $10.00, and you will have ten entries.
2. Raffle tickets may be purchased until 10:00 EST on 4/26/12 when the show airs.
3. Raffle ticket purchases will NOT be accepted after 10:00 EST on the day of air.
4. I will provide a picture of the raffle item on Sunday, 4/22 on Facebook.
5. Raffle tickets will be purchased via Paypal to This is my Ladybug Bowtique account. There is no limit on the number of raffle tickets that may be purchased.
6. When sending your raffle purchase funds to via Paypal, please indicate "Project Ladybug Raffle" in the notes/comments section.
7. 100% of donations/raffle purchases will go to Project Ladybug. I am donating the cost/materials of the bouquet.
8.  The raffle winner will be posted on Facebook in the afternoon of 4/26 after the show airs.

Questions? Send them to me at

Thank you for participating- this is my first charitable raffle, so I'm looking forward to it. I'm not really looking forward to wind and rain during my trip to NY, however!