If you look closely, Julia's eyes are closed as she's swinging at this softball...but wouldn't you know, she nails it!
Julia and Sara have begged me for "their own website" so I finally agreed and helped them open their very own Etsy Shop. It's called JaydeeMayDesigns, named for both of them. Julia has always been called JaydeeBug (JD for her initials) and Sara's middle name is May- we call her May a little more than we call her by her first name. So JaydeeMayDesigns is born. Julia has worn her fingers out making button ponytail holders over the last day or so, and Sara put together some simple Czech glass earrings today. They've inherited the crafty gene. Take a peek, and add them to your favorites- they get silly when they see that others like their things.
We're sensing an end to the summer. Swim lessons end this week, and we leave next week for our last vacation- to our family cabin in Maine. Enjoy the last lazy days of summer!